Dollgalassia Bellatrix


Date of Birth: 2016 February 25

Variety Blue Bicolor

Tested Fiv and Felv Negative

PKD HCM Negative/Negative

PG Free


PapiCat Jagoda


Horus Pigro

Iternational Cat Show Livorno:

Best Ragdoll Kitten

Born in Italy 2016

(In memory of Sean Lombardi)

Meaning of the name

Bellatrix is the third-brightest star in the constellation of Orion, 5° west of the red giant Alpha Orionis (Betelgeuse). Just between the first and second magnitude and slightly variable, it is about the 25th-brightest star in the night sky.

Gamma Orionis is the star's Bayer designation. The traditional name Bellatrix is Latin for "female warrior"; it first appeared in the works of Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi and Johannes Hispalensis. Bellatrix was also called the Amazon Star.